Monday, November 15, 2010

Little tips on your everyday life......

Many people ask me what the optimal diet is. This is a very tricky answer, because we are all made differently! Some people require less calories to lose weight, while not having to exercise as much, some have to exercise a ton and can eat whatever they want, some have to exercise and diet like crazy. Here are some simple steps everyone, regardless of your body, should do.

Aerobic/Cardiovascular Exercise at least 4 times a week for 40 minutes
Weight/Body weight train 3 times a week hitting each muscle group
Substitute your regular snack food for the wheat or multi grain variety
Eat 5 to 7 small meals instead of 3 big meals
Drink water throughout the day. At breakfast have OJ and at dinner have some milk. NO SODA!
In order to not burn yourself out with a diet, leave one day a week as your cheat day. Mine is usually saturday nights. Reward yourself for good habits!

Those are a few tips that may help you. We compare ourselves to these stars on TV and Movies, but they have a Trainer, Nutritionist, Life coach, Agent, Maids, Butlers, Financial Planners, etc. Us simple folk have to exercise within our own means. So go out and do it!

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